Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping)
Provides relief from unpleasant emotions, thoughts and memories by tapping different acupressure points on the body.
Heart Assisted Therapy
Mind-body-energy approach that uses the heart chakra, breath work and energy to transmute emotions, beliefs and past wounds.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy
Mind-body-emotion-energetic-spiritual approach that access the subconscious mind to heal deeply. Age regressions, soul retrievals, inner child healing all done in a deeply relaxed/hypnotic state.
Polyvagal Techniques
Regulate the nervous system and calm down the body’s responses to stress and traumas.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Changing unhealthy thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and feelings into healthy ones.
Guided meditations and visualizations
Lifting the veils between the multidimensional beings we are with in order to reach your fullest and highest potential in this lifetime.